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克尼汉 C程序设计语言(英文版)(第2版)
定 价: 35元      报网上辅导可直减10-26元 详细说明
会员价:26元   节 省: 9
出版社: 机械工业出版社 2006-08
作 者: 克尼汉
ISBN: 7111196260

               页数: 272页                  开本: 16开


Chapter 1. A Tutorial Introduction
1.1 Getting Started
1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expressions
1.3 The For Statement
1.4 Symbolic Constants
1.5 Character Input and Output
1.6 Arrays
1.7 Functions
1.8 Arguments——Call by Value
1.9 Character Arrays
1.10 External Variables and Scope
Chapter 2. Types, Operators, and Expressions
2.1 Variable Names
2.2 Data Types and Sizes
2.3 Constants
2.4 Declarations
2.5 Arithmetic Operators
2.6 Relational and Logical Operators
2.7 Type Conversions
2.8 Increment and Decrement Operators
2.9 Bitwise Operators
2.10 Assignment Operators and Expressions
2.11 Conditional Expressions
2.12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation
Chapter 3. Control Flow
3.1 Statements and Blocks
3.2 If-Else
3.3 Else-If
3.4 Switch
3.5 Loops——While and For
3.6 Loops-Do-while
3.7 Break and Continue
3.8 Goto and Labels
Chapter 4. Functions and Program Structure
4.1 Basics of Functions
4.2 Functions Returning Non-integers
4.3 External Variables
4.4 Scope Rules
4.5 Header Files
4.6 Static Variables
4.7 Register Variables
4.8 Block Structure
4.9 Initialization
4.10 Recursion
4.11 The C Preprocessor
Chapter 5. Pointers and Arrays
5.1 Pointers and Addresses
5.2 Pointers and Function Arguments
5.3 Pointers and Arrays
5.4 Address Arithmetic
5.5 Character Pointers and Functions
5.6 Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers
5.7 Multi-dimensional Arrays
5.8 Initialization of Pointer Arrays
5.9 Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays
5.10 Command-line Arguments
5.11 Pointers to Functions
5.12 Complicated Declarations
Chapter 6. Structures
6.1 Basics of Structures
6.2 Structures and Functions
6.3 Arrays of Structures
6.4 Pointers to Structures
6.5 Self-referential Structures
6.6 Table Lookup
6.7 Typedef
6.8 Unions
6.9 Bit-fields
Chapter 7. Input and Output
7.1 Standard Input and Output
7.2 Formatted Output——Printf
7.3 Variable-length Argument Lists
7.4 Formatted Input-Scanf
7.5 File Access
7.6 Error Handling——Stderr and Exit
7.7 Line Input and Output
7.8 Miscellaneous Functions
Chapter 8. The UNIX System Interface
8.1 File Descriptors
8.2 Low Level I/O-Read and Write
8.3 Open, Creat, Close, Unlink
8.4 Random Access——Lscek
8.5 Example——An Implementation of Fopen and Getc
8.6 Example——Listing Directories
8.7 Example——A Storage Allocator
Appendix A. Reference Marital
AI Introduction
A2 Lexical Conventions
A3 Syntax Notation
A4 Meaning of Identifiers
A5 Objects and Lvalues
A6 Conversions
A7 Expressions
A8 Declarations
A9 Statements
AI0 External Declarations
All Scopeand Linkage
A12 Preprocessing
A13 Grammar
Appendix B. Standard Library
B1 Input and Output:
B2 Character Class Tests:
B3 String Functions:
B4 Mathematical Functions:
B5 Utility Functions:
B6 Diagnostics:
B7 Variable Argument Lists:
B8 Non-local Jumps:
B9 Signals:
B10 Date and Time Functions:
BI 1 Implementation-defined Limits: and
Appendix C. Summary of Changes

克尼汉 C程序设计语言<第2版新版>习题解答
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克尼汉 C程序设计语言(新版第2版)
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